Spider Veins
Advanced Dermatology, PC › Conditions › Spider Veins

What are Spider Veins?

What Are Common Vein Disorders?

Healthy veins transport waste-rich blood to the lungs and heart. Valves within the veins ensure that this blood moves in the right directions. However, excess pressure on the veins can cause the valves to function improperly, impeding blood flow to the heart and resulting in the enlargement or ballooning of the veins. Often these enlarged veins will appear as spider or varicose veins-small, thin veins, usually red, blue or purple in color, shaped like a spider web, a tree branch pattern, or thin separate lines. Though part of the blood network, spider veins and telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels) are not essential to blood transportation

What Causes Spider Veins?

The most common factors that contribute to the development of spider veins are heredity, weight gain, pregnancy and other events that may alter a person’s hormone balance, or activities, hobbies and professions that require you to stand or sit for a long period of time.


Sclerotherapy is a nonsurgical procedure and is performed in our offices. After localizing and examining the dysfunctional veins or telangiectasia, the doctor will inject a chemical solution, called a sclerosant, into the blood vessel. The sclerosant, displaces the blood in the vein, which will then collapse from the lack of blood and action of the sclerosant. Eventually, your body will absorb the collapsed vessel. A typical sclerotherapy treatment lasts approximately 15 minutes. The amount of injections or treatments needed depends on the extent of the vein/telangiectasia disorder as well as the type and concentration of solution used. Some patients will notice immediate clearing of the veins, though some effects may not be seen for up to three months. Our doctors in our Queens, Long Island, NY, Bergen County, NJ and other locations will answer any questions that you may have during your recovery process.


We can use lasers to treat small veins disorders. Pulses of laser light beams are delivered to the targeted vein/telangiectasia. The heat from the lasers will ultimately cause the veins to dissolve or collapse depending on the laser, and your body will absorb the collapsed vessel. With each laser treatment, there is additional closing of the blood vessels. We sometimes utilize laser treatment in conjunction with sclerotherapy to achieve the best results.

For a couple of weeks the area surrounding the treated veins whether by laser or injection technique may appear discolored or bruised. This is normal. For this reason we usually suggest treating the legs any time except during the summer. Over time, the discoloration will fade. Your doctor may suggest you wear heavy-duty support hose or pressed bandages to help keep pressure on the veins and to reduce bruising. Although strenuous activities should be avoided during treatment, daily activities should not be interrupted. Walking is encouraged to promote healing and lessen any risks. Though sclerotherapy or laser treatment does not prevent future spider veins, it can make a difference in the appearance of your skin. It can give you the confidence to stop covering up, and start showing off, your younger, healthier looking skin!

Can Large Veins Be Treated?

Traditionally, the treatment of large painful veins includes hospitalization, surgery and extended recovery. A simple office-based laser treatment, CoolTouch CTEVâ„¢, offers:

  • Rapid relief of symptoms-virtually pain free
  • No down-time
  • No General anesthesia

Patient’s experience very little bruising with fewer complications and may quickly resume their normal activities, with an over 96% success rate.

Note: Depending upon your particular condition this treatment is covered by most insurance plans.

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