Our Top Skincare Tips for The First Day of Winter

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Our Top Skincare Tips for The First Day of Winter

The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting colder, and chances are the consequences for your skin are more than just shivers and goosebumps. More and more of us are experiencing the dreaded chapped lips, tight skin, and cracked bleeding knuckles. Winter might bring some happy holidays, but it brings some bitter cold with it, too. If you want to know how you can winter-proof your skin, we’ve got some advice that will keep you in tip-top shape!

Prevent Chapped Hands

As the wind becomes icy and cold, your hands are at very high risk of becoming chapped and cracked in the winter. Especially now, with hand sanitizer as a part of our everyday lives, you may find yourself the victim of bleeding knuckles and red, chapped hands. To prevent this, look for a moisturizing and antibacterial soap. You can further protect your hands by applying hand cream before going to bed and locking it in by wearing some warm gloves made of natural fiber. Doing this will help restore your skin’s protective layer and get your hands feeling better within a few days.

Get a professional facial to remedy dry skin.

Your skin can be dryer than average in the winter and often appears dull. Schedule a regular facial about once every four weeks to get back to your usual glow. Four weeks is about the time it takes for your skin to go through its regular growth cycle, so choosing a professional exfoliating treatment or a chemical peel can give you a little bit of a summer shine even in the dead of winter!

Mind your alcohol consumption

The holidays are ripe with social outings: parties, dinners, and family gift exchanges are perfect opportunities to relax a little and have some fun. They also usually offer plenty in the way of adult beverages, but there’s a reason not to overdo it on the eggnog.

Alcohol is naturally drying, and drinking too much of it can cause inflammation and make any skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis much worse. It can also disturb your sleep, contributing to winter skin dullness. Limit yourself to just one or two drinks, and make sure you stay hydrated!

Protect yourself from chapped lips

Chapped lips are one of the most irritating winter skin problems! Make sure you keep a medicinal lip balm on your lips at all times and as tempting as it is, try not to lick them. Licking chapped lips can worsen them. If you’re spending time outdoors, opt for a balm that doubles as sunscreen – lips are sensitive to sunburn even in the cold.

Tweak your skincare routine

If you find yourself reapplying lotion a few times a day in the winter, chances are you need to give your skincare routine a minor tweak. Consider swapping your moisturizer for a thicker, creamier formula, and if you suffer from dry skin naturally, consider an oil-based cleanser.

Consider professional skin treatments

Winter is the perfect time to indulge in professional skincare, like laser treatments or peels. It can be more precarious to get these kinds of treatments in the summer because increased sun exposure can lead to post-procedure hyperpigmentation, so take advantage of those grey winter days and schedule a New Years’ procedure for a New You!

The days are cold, but your skin doesn’t have to be dull! If you’re interested in scheduling a procedure to usher in 2022, get in contact with us today. Our skilled dermatologists will answer any questions you may have and provide you with a personalized plan to get you to your perfect complexion!

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