Four Tips To Use Retinoids Correctly

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Four Tips To Use Retinoids Correctly


Retinoids were developed to combat acne, but also feature an array of outstanding benefits to beautifully transform your complexion. The unique formulation of ingredients works to clear your skin, eliminate breakouts and magnificently minimize wrinkles. Since retinoids essentially peel off layers of debris and old skin, improper application causes unpleasant side effects. To reap the benefits of retinoids, you must be willing to learn how to use the product correctly. Our expert dermatologists are here to provide you with the unique skin-care solution designed to treat troublesome acne.

Effectively using Retinoids

Many individuals who’ve tried retinoids in the past may have been disappointed by the irritation and purging side effects they encountered. At Advanced Dermatology, we are here to prepare and educate you on the most effective way to apply this revolutionary skin-care product. Following our tips will help your skin properly adjust to retinoids and lessen the harsh side-effects.

  1. The Adjustment Period

The best way to avoid irritation is by allowing your skin time to adapt to the new gel or cream. Begin by applying a weaker retinoid to your skin every three days, gradually increasing the strength as your skin builds up a tolerance.

  1. Start Small

Please don’t slather your face with this powerful solution. A pea sized amount will suffice. Try dotting your skin with the cream and spread a thin layer of retinoid over your entire face. A light coating is sufficient enough to work its magic. You should be sure to cover your skin in a layer of SPF to provide adequate protection.

  1. Be Loyal

Your body’s largest organ benefits greatly from a devoted care regimen, but doesn’t require an excess of anti-aging or acne products. When applying retinoids, steer clear of other products containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide. They will offset the positive effects of retinoids and further irritate your skin.

  1. Be Patient

After washing your face, the skin’s natural barrier is disturbed. We recommend waiting a half hour before applying retinoids to allow your skin time to adjust and positively react to the harsh ingredients. Dabbing retinoids on moist skin can cause unwanted irritation, it’s best to coat a thin layer of the product on your face when dry.

Retinoid Treatment Options

The purpose of retinoids is to minimize the size and calm the production of sebaceous glands. We offer topical treatment options which successfully treat mild to moderately severe acne. Topical solutions unplug existing comedones and decrease the formation, essentially clearing up the skin. Retinoids are composed of an altered form of vitamin A. Some examples are tretinoin (Retin-A), adapalene (Differin), and tazarotene (Tazorac). When used correctly, retinoids successfully decrease the appearance of whiteheads, blackheads and stubborn breakouts.

Why Choose Advanced Dermatology, P.C.

Our dermatologists are passionate regarding your skincare concerns and are knowledgeable in the area of Retinoid treatment options. If you would like a clearer complexion, please contact our office today for your complimentary consultation.

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