5 Healthy Foods That Fight Varicose Veins

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog 5 Healthy Foods That Fight Varicose Veins

You’ve heard it before — when it comes to staying fit, next to daily exercise your diet is what matters most. Well, the same goes for keeping your circulatory system in shape as well! The five superfoods below work wonders to boost blood flow, repair broken blood vessels and prevent future vascular damage from occurring.

  • Blueberries are packed with a high concentration of anthocyanins, which work to preserve connective tissue by fending off destructive enzymes. They offer a ton of fiber and vitamin E, and help to repair broken or damaged blood vessels.
  • Watercress has been considered the “cure of cures” by Hippocrates, the father of medicine. It’s healing abilities are astounding, especially when it comes to varicose veins. Plus, it’s peppery flavor makes it a delicious addition to any dish!
  • Avocados have been all the rage lately, and for many good reasons! For starters, they’re jam packed with vitamins C & E, which are essential for boosting vascular health. They also contain a high concentration of glutathione, which is renowned for its ability to protect the heart, veins and arteries.
  • Ginger has been used in herbal remedies for many years, especially for treating varicose veins. Those who suffer from varicose veins have trouble breaking down fibrin, but ginger has the ability to dissolve it into the blood, which boosts circulation significantly.
  • Beets are brimming with bright red betacyanin, a compound that reduces damaging homocysteine levels to protect the veins. But that’s not all! The leafy stems of beets are similar to spinach and are packed with nutrients, so make sure you don’t throw them away.

Can you think of any other varicose vein fighting superfoods? How about some healthy recipes that incorporate the superfoods above? We’d love to hear all about the heart healthy meals you’ve been cooking up in your kitchen on your Facebook page!

And remember, if ever you find yourself suffering from an unsightly or painful vascular condition, the team at Advanced Dermatology is always only a phone call away.

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