Category: Cosmetic Procedures

The average age to start getting Botox is decreasing according to Advanced Dermatology’s Dr. Lance Barazani. “Traditionally I see patients who are mid-30s to mid-40s, but this average is declining. [...]

You may know that Coolsculpting can get rid of fat around your abdomen and love handles but did you know it also can get rid of bulges of fat on [...]

ThermiTight is an application of the ThermiEsthetics system that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to safely rejuvenate the skin. It is also the most effective non-surgical skin-tightening treatment I’ve seen.


So you’ve dieted and exercised but still have some stubborn fat that just seems impossible to lose no matter how hard you’ve tried. Stubborn fat makes you feel uncomfortable slipping [...]

Why do stretch marks form? Well… from stretching right? Probably, but the precise cause of stretch marks, also known as striae, is not quite understood as there are clearly some [...]

Dermatology specialists Drs. Joshua Fox and Meryl Becker Joerg explain “telangiectasias” Have you ever wondered why your face is peppered with tiny red lines? These broken blood vessels affect millions [...]

Recently the reigning Miss Tennessee Hayley Lewis spoke about her experience with embarrassing sweating and how she overcame it with miraDry. Lewis said, “I was like ‘well if this is [...]

Finally, a real remedy for stretch marks: understanding the new laser treatments for stretch marks They’re hardly a serious disease, but those ugly little ridges that dermatologists call striae distensae [...]

Having full, plump lips is often considered a sign of good health and youth. Symmetric, well-shaped, proportionate lips are generally regarded as alluring and a cross-cultural sign of beauty. For [...]

Piercing Piercing earlobes and putting on jewelry has been very common around the world for thousands of years for both cultural and cosmetic reasons. Ear piercing should always be performed [...]

First of all, there is very little scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of anti-cellulite creams. If they are effective at all, however, they do not remove cellulite permanently and need [...]

Dermatologist Dr. Joshua Fox explains the newest treatments for jowls A double chin is a common complaint among both men and women as they age, even if they’re not overweight, [...]

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