Category: Cosmetic Procedures

Whether it be within your career or social circles, a youthful appearance is vital for anyone seeking advancement. As seen in the past decade, this has led to a rapid [...]

With beach season on the horizon, spring is the time to prep for a smooth summer. Electrolysis used to be the only method available for permanent hair removal, but the [...]

miraDry, an FDA-approved, non-invasive solution for excessive underarm sweating and odor, is going to be featured on the Dr. Oz Show Wednesday, May 8 at 4PM Eastern Time. Unlike most [...]

Thoughts of BOTOX typically conjure the image of a middle-aged woman trying to reduce wrinkles on her forehead. While this image has been the traditional BOTOX patient, men have increasingly [...]

Wattle. Turkey neck. Double chin. Whatever it’s called, no one likes to see it in the mirror. A facelift can banish the sag, but not everyone can afford the cost [...]

Tattoos have become a popular personal decoration, found on roughly 10 percent of Americans. They are especially popular amongst young adults, with nearly 40 percent of Americans between the ages [...]

Liposuction is a common plastic surgery procedure that is performed to remove excess body fat. Doctors typically recommend that patients continue exercising after recovery to maintain their results. Now a [...]

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, roughly 1 in 4 Americans has a tattoo on their body. In the past year, tattoo removal has seen a 32 percent increase [...]

The FDA has now approved Restylane, a filler for the face, to be used in lip augmentations, according to GlobeNewswire. The report states the Restylane was originally produced to treat [...]

Getting perfect skin — a face that’s free of lines, wrinkles, sun damage and other signs of aging — is a lofty goal, but it’s at the heart of almost [...]

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