
Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Page 10

Almost everyone has heard about liposuction, but there are several myths out there that can lead to misunderstandings about what this procedure can do. Liposuction is a common and popular [...]

As skin ages, its needs tend to vary. Do you feel like there are so many choices for skin rejuvenation that it is hard to know which one is right [...]

Here comes the sun, and I say it’s all right—as long as you can protect your skin! In an interview with Forbes, dermatologists warned that sun exposure activates our melanocyte [...]

You can hit the gym as hard as you like, but you can’t always work off those extra pounds. At a certain point, our bodies can become more resistant to [...]

Youthful skin is desired by many. No matter what we do, wear and tear are likely to occur. Our skin gets stressed through hormonal changes, and with the passing of [...]

Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition affecting about 8 million people in the U.S., is characterized by scaly patches of skin (plaques) that can itch or burn. These plaques are usually [...]

The wisecracking Depression-era actor W.C. Fields was known for his unique look and comical catchphrases, like “Never give a sucker an even break.” The actor adopted a costume of a [...]

You’ve most likely heard the deep-rooted legend that handling a frog or toad can give you warts. If that sounds ridiculous to you – you are correct. No amount of [...]

Even with vaccines making their way to the general public, people are still wearing masks and intend to continue wearing them for the immediate future. Even as restrictions on businesses [...]

While they may not be dangerous or life-threatening, spider veins can be an unsightly nuisance. These ugly blue or purple discolorations occur when tiny veins gather just below the surface [...]

“Molluscum contagiosum” is not a dreaded spell from a Harry Potter story, although it sounds like one. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is a [...]

Looking for answers about CoolSculpting? It is easy to confuse CoolSculpting as a method for weight loss, but it is not a weight-loss device. It is a body sculpting device. [...]

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