
Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Page 13

Tips for helping your child deal with psoriasis Most toddlers and kids deal with skin irritations such as diaper rash and eczema, however children can also have various forms of [...]

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Reports High Interest in Cosmetic Treatments Thinking of getting rid of that hard-to-treat fatty area or improving the appearance of your skin? You are among [...]

Cooling Caps Used to Prevent Hair Loss in Cancer Patients Hair loss (alopecia) as a result of chemotherapy happens to two-thirds of cancer patients. Cooling caps that are machine-based have [...]

5 skin care myths and why they are false In today’s climate of internet misinformation, it can be increasingly difficult to navigate between fact and fiction. When it comes to [...]

Angiomas: Red Flag or Benign Skin Growth? The dreaded C word: cancer. Many of us have been touched by this condition, whether personally or through someone that we’ve known over [...]

Surgery is not for everyone. Some patients elect not to undergo a traditional facelift because they are afraid of surgery and anesthesia, are looking for a more reasonably-priced alternative, or [...]

Many of us are born with a mole, a small dark patch, or other birthmark. These small imperfections or “beauty marks” can make us unique. However, a large distinctive birthmark [...]

Can an underlying skin condition affect hair growth? Unfortunately for many, the answer is yes. Fortunately, however, with proper awareness and treatment options, hair loss can be slowed down or [...]

Ideally, scars should become less prominent as time goes on. But what about those scars that won’t fade, or worse, that actually enlarge? Keloid scars, often referred to as keloids, [...]

The long, hot, days of summer are finally coming to an end. School is back in session, the leaves are changing colors, mosquitoes are biting less and jackets and boots [...]

Skin tags can pop up anywhere, at any time, unexpectedly. Though they are technically harmless, these unsightly growths can make a person feel self-conscious and can attract unwanted attention. Our [...]

Botox, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, chemical peels–the list of skin-enhancing treatments is long. But what treatments are safe for darker skin? When it comes to basic skin care and cosmetic [...]

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