Pandemic Dermatology: How is COVID-19 Affecting Your Skin?

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog Pandemic Dermatology: How is COVID-19 Affecting Your Skin?

Staying safe during the global health crisis is everyone’s responsibility, so we need to maintain a coordinated effort to slow and stop the spread of the virus. With this in mind, some of the common precautions being followed by many people worldwide can actually have a negative effect on the skin.

Hand sanitizer and constant washing can damage the skin. When skin is healthy, the coronavirus and similar diseases can’t get past our outermost layer. However, when our skin is cracked, dry, and unhealthy, it can cause discomfort and make it more vulnerable to other factors that can easily irritate the skin. For this reason, keeping healthy skin is also important as you follow the precautions that help slow infection rates.

Let’s take a look at the different COVID-19 precautions, the dermatologic conditions they may cause, and tips to help you stay safe while maintaining healthy skin.

Common COVID-19 Precautions

The residents of New York and New Jersey have been sheltering in place for many weeks, so people have become more conscientious about taking other precautions to help stop the spread of the virus.

These precautions include washing hands when you return indoors, using hand sanitizer at establishments like supermarkets, and using gloves. Even wearing a face mask can reduce the amount of oxygen you take in with each breath, which can affect your skin’s texture.

While it’s true that these have some degree of effectiveness at stopping the virus, it’s also crucial to prevent the onset of dermatological conditions caused by these harsh practices.

Dermatologic Conditions You Need to Look Out For

Some of the common conditions caused by too much hand sanitizer, frequent hand washing, or face masks rubbing the skin include:

  • Dry, irritated skin
  • Rashes
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Removal of benign or “good” microorganism from the skin
  • Irritant dermatitis on the nose and cheeks
  • Fissures and depressions from search the face mask too tightly

So, How Do You Stay Safe and Maintain Healthy Skin?

It’s necessary to adhere to these precautions in order to control the virus, but it’s also crucial to maintain good skin health. In order to stay safe and maintain healthy skin, you should:

Be Aware of the Effects Hand Sanitizer and Other Precautions Can Have
Knowing about the different effects of hand sanitizer and other precautions will help you stay vigilant and identify potential issues in their early stages, so they will be easier to address.

Follow a Healthy Regime
Staying hydrated, eating healthy, and doing regular exercise will help you combat the negative effects of the COVID-19 precautions.

Consult with a Professional Dermatologist in Your Area
The best way to address any skin issues you develop from COVID-19 precautions is to see a board-certified dermatologist in your area.

Learn More About Feeling and Looking Your Best at All Times

At Advanced Dermatology PC, we are fully aware that the precautions in place are necessary for public health and safety. As skincare experts, we’re also concerned about the dermatological effects these can have, which can ultimately make us more vulnerable to infections.

To learn more, contact us and book a consultation today.

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