What is a Mommy Makeover?

Advanced Dermatology, PC Blog What is a Mommy Makeover?

Contributing editor: Anthony Taglienti, MD

As most people are aware, pregnancy and giving birth can take a huge toll on a mother’s body. Often times after pregnancy, breasts may be less full or sag; and abdomens can have extra skin, weakened muscles, and stretch marks.

After having children, many women wish they could restore the body they once had, which is why there’s such a thing as the mommy makeover!

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgeries performed in tandem so that once the mother decides she is finished having children and no longer breastfeeding, she can truly feel like her body is hers again. The Mommy Makeover typically involves a procedure on the breasts and the abdomen. Operations may include a breast lift, breast lift with an implant, breast augmentation, mini or full tummy tuck, or liposuction.

Who Should Get a Mommy Makeover?

Mothers at any age will have a changed body after pregnancy, birthing, and breastfeeding, and for mothers of advanced age, the effects can be even more pronounced. The best candidates for a mommy makeover are mothers who’ve already weaned their children from breastfeeding, who are done having children, and who want to feel more confident in their bodies.

Furthermore, mothers have to quit smoking for at least two weeks prior to the surgeries to ensure optimal healing during the recovery process. Because it can require a lot of healing time, the ideal patient will also be healthy and not have any other medical conditions, like heart or lung problems and diabetes.

How to Prepare for a Mommy Makeover

Prior to scheduling your appointment, it will be necessary to meet with your surgeon so they can provide you with all of the information about what a mommy makeover surgery is, and which surgical components are best for you.

The surgeon will recommend guidelines for what to eat and drink before the surgery, as well as vitamins and medications to take. Additionally, they will go over the surgical plan and review pre- and post-operative instructions. You will be given a list of pre-operative tests that are necessary prior to the procedure, and your primary care physician will have to clear you to undergo general anesthesia.

Recovering from a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is performed under general anesthesia, so it’s important to have someone available to pick you up and stay with you during your post-operative recovery. During your pre-operative visit, your surgeon will discuss physical limitations after your procedure so you can best gauge if you have the necessary level of support to undergo this procedure safely and ensure you heal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

While recovery depends on which procedures you opted for, as well as your age and general health, the typical healing time for this procedure ranges from anywhere between 2-8 weeks.

How to Find out More About the Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeovers make an excellent postpartum gift, so whether you’re interested in finding out more about one for yourself or a loved one, we’re happy to answer all your questions.

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