Complexion Problems
Advanced Dermatology, PC Conditions Complexion Problems

Complexion Problems

With acne, oily skin, large pores, and hyperpigmentation — and everything in between — complexion problems can certainly make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Before living another day with complexion problems, schedule an evaluation with the board-certified team at Advanced Dermatology in Midtown Manhattan, Harlem, or the Bronx, New York. Click on the online scheduler or call one of the five convenient offices to book.

A Beaming Complexion – Lasers offer nonsurgical approach to improving skin tone, erasing signs of aging

When it comes to skin conditions, teenagers usually are thought of as the people who suffer most from breakouts and an uneven complexion. But cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists see far more than young blotchy faces in their offices.

In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects more than 80 percent of Americans, and an estimated 14 million suffer from facial redness and swelling associated with rosacea.

Whether they’re in angst over aging marks or a facial breakout, patients of all ages are finding that traditional treatments such as antibiotics or chemical peels are no longer the only methods for fighting back.

Enter the latest weapon: minimally and noninvasive lasers. Through therapies that utilize lasers, light treatments or a combination thereof, patients are seeing immediate results and a dramatic transformation over a series of treatments.

One new FDA-approved device is the Fraxel, a laser that zaps wrinkles, lines, spots and acne, but, to the delight of patients, does so on the sly.

Joshua L. Fox, M.D., an AAD spokesperson and the founding director of Advanced Dermatology in New York , says that the minimally invasive Fraxel is one of the most versatile lasers currently available.

“It punctures tiny holes in the skin that you can’t see, and about one to two weeks later, the pores fall out, but you can’t see them so no one knows you had anything done.” says Fox. Occasionally a patient may get a scab, but if the procedure is done less aggressively, you won’t have those problems.”

Similar to manipulating a digital photograph, pixel by pixel, the Fraxel improves aging and sun-damaged skin by altering fractions of the target tissue. The tiny “wounds’ are surrounded by healthy tissue that promotes rapid healing of the outer skin layers, and at the same time, the Fraxel deeply penetrates damaged skin to promote regeneration at the collagen level.

“The Fraxel is similar to the CO2 in that it’s stimulating collagen. .”

“This is where we see the real benefits of the Fraxel laser treatment, in that it aids in the natural regrowth of healthier, younger-looking skin cells”, says Fox.

The Fraxel targets wrinkles, lines and brown spots, but Fox also has seen an improvement in the reduction of acne and rosacea.

“The Fraxel didn’t claim to help this, but I’ve seen quite a few cases where it has,” he says. “Some patients had wrinkles but their acne disappeared as well.

Patients being treated with the Fraxel laser require three to five visits about five to seven days apart.

What ‘s still undetermined is how long the results from the Fraxel will last”, says Fox. But he compares the effects of the procedure to that of the ablative CO2 laser, which unlike the Fraxel, requires significant healing time.

“With CO2, studies have shown that five years later about 70 percent of the improvement is still there,” says Fox.

“The Fraxel is similar to the CO2 in that it’s stimulating collagen. This makes me think it will be a long-term improvement.”

“Many people don’t like the CO2 because they may have to take two weeks off from work,” says Fox. “The Fraxel is more appealing to men as well as women since they can’t cover up with makeup. Their face might be a little red, comparable to a mild sunburn.”

Another laser that’s taking on facial woes is the Smoothbeam. This nonablative laser treats acne breakouts as well as scarring.

The Smoothbeam encourages the production of collagen beneath the skin in order to plump up the surface and smooth out scars. The laser also shrinks the follicles of the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of oil they can secrete. This results in less breakouts.

“The Smoothbeam seems to inhibit sebaceous gland production for eight to ten months after three treatments.” says Fox. “This is also an excellent therapy for acne scarring with no downtime yet it produces the same results as an ablative laser and at a lesser cost.”

The Smoothbeam also treats mild wrinkles by stimulating collagen.

“Treatments are four to six weeks apart, so it’s not as immediate as an ablative procedure.” notes Fox.

Through its patented LASR (laser-assisted skin renewal) process, the Smoothbeam targets the deepest layers of skin without affecting the surface. Smoothbeam’s technology cools the upper layers of the skin prior to the laser application, preventing any burning, cutting or peeling at the surface. Commonly reported aftereffects ranged from slight redness and tenderness to brief pigment changes.

Patients who have multiple skin problems can combine therapies to achieve the desired results.

“There are a lot of routes you can take and there are more nonablative techniques out there all the time,” says Fox. “People just need to make sure they go to a physician who has a lot of lasers and actually owns them, so they’ve had lots of exposure to the devices.”

Complexion Problems Q & A

What are complexion problems?

Complexion problems include a variety of issues that can lead to discoloration, clogged pores, skin growths, and more. Some of the most common complexion problems both men and women — and even teens — face include:

  • Facial veins
  • Large pores
  • Oily or dry skin
  • Acne breakouts
  • Dark or light spots
  • Scars, including acne scars

Some complexion problems, such as psoriasis and eczema, lead to chronic redness, dryness, and flaking. Without proper treatment, your complexion problem or concern may continue to worsen.

When should I see a dermatologist for complexion problems?

The team at Advanced Dermatology wants to see you at the first sign of a skin abnormality. The sooner they get to the root of your condition and get you started on treatment, the quicker you can get back to smoother, vibrant, more even-toned skin. It’s particularly important to have an evaluation at Advanced Dermatology if your complexion issue is:

  • Making you feel self-conscious
  • Continuing to worsen
  • Occurring for no known reason
  • Causing pain or discomfort

If you have moles or pigmented lesions that are getting darker, growing bigger, or changing shape, your provider at Advanced Dermatology needs to know about it. These are potential early warning signs of skin cancer.

How are complexion problems treated?

Treating complexion problems depends, of course, on what’s causing them. But the caring team at Advanced Dermatology offers the latest and most advanced treatment solutions available. Your complexion treatment plan may include:

  • Prescription-strength oral or topical medications
  • Personalized laser therapy sessions
  • Microdermabrasion or chemical peel
  • Rejuvenating HydraFacial® therapy

If you have moles or lesions that are of concern, your provider can remove them surgically right in the office.

Some complexion problems are hereditary, while others are caused by environmental or lifestyle factors, or both. Your provider counsels you on how to care for your skin and prevent further issues.

No matter how minor or severe your complexion problems are, you have plenty of options for restoring beautiful, healthy skin at Advanced Dermatology.

Schedule your skin complexion evaluation at Advanced Dermatology today. Book online or over the phone.

Individual results may vary.

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