What is a Skin Allergy?
When Should You See an Allergist?
Skin allergies are more common than you might expect, and can occur due to a range of causes. Whether your body is reacting to something you ate, a cream or product that doesn’t work well with your skin, or to the changes in weather that comes with the shift in seasons, skin allergies can be uncomfortable, itchy, and can make you feel unnecessarily embarrassed.
Luckily, skin allergies are generally easy to treat. Working with an allergist and dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology, New York and New Jersey can help you recognize the warning signs that you may be experiencing a skin allergy that needs professional attention. Together, we will make sure your gets skin back to normal as quickly and effectively as possible.

What are Skin Allergies?
Skin allergies are essentially your body’s way of telling you that there is something your environment that it doesn’t like. They are normally not life-threatening nor contagious (except in specific cases like chickenpox), and with proper treatment, can be completely healed.
Among the various types of skin allergies that we treat include eczema, hives, and contact dermatitis – a rash caused by contact with a substance like poison ivy. Skin allergies can be caused by irritants such as your laundry detergent and pollen, or can be triggered by certain medications and foods. Typical symptoms include itchiness, redness, bumps, swelling. Still, these symptoms do not always manifest right away – it can take a couple days for the signs of a skin allergy to fully develop.
Your Allergy Diagnosis
At Advanced Dermatology, our doctors work together to give you the most accurate information, a proper diagnosis, and the most effectively treatment plan. Our on-site allergist works directly with the other board-certified dermatologists at Advanced Dermatology in NY and NY to help manage your symptoms. When necessary, we will conduct an allergy test such as the prick test or patch test to identify the root of the problem and test for signs of an allergic reaction.
Ideally, the “right” time to see an allergist is when you are first experiencing symptoms of your skin allergy. Patients often put this off because they think the allergy will naturally subside or they continue to put up with the uncomfortable symptoms for much longer than they need to.
At Advanced Dermatology, our mission is to treat your skin allergy safely and effectively. Depending on the symptoms you are showing and the cause of the allergy, our allergist will recommend a treatment plan that works best for you, such as a therapeutic topical cream or ointment. Our allergist will also guide you on how to avoid contact with the irritant and properly cover the allergy so as to prevent future breakouts. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.