Dealing with the discomfort of xerosis can be frustrating, especially for the elderly. Fortunately, effective treatments are available to restore your skin’s moisture balance. To learn more about xerosis and various approaches to managing dry skin for your residents, from at-home remedies to medical interventions, we are here to help. Contact us directly or continue reading below.

What is Xerosis?

Xerosis is a skin condition characterized by excessively dry skin due to a compromised skin barrier. Common causes include:

    • Environmental factors: Cold, dry weather, low humidity, and excessive heat exposure.
    • Lifestyle habits: Frequent bathing, use of harsh soaps, and improper skin care.
    • Underlying medical conditions: Diabetes, thyroid disorders, and kidney disease.
  • Medications: Certain drugs can contribute to dry skin as a side effect.

It’s important to know that xerosis is most common in the elderly. As we age, the skin’s natural oil production decreases.

Is Facial Xerosis The Most Common Type?

Yes, xerosis cutis on the face is one of the most common types of this skin condition. Xerosis can occur anywhere on the body, like the face. Some areas are more commonly affected due to increased exposure to environmental factors or friction, including:

    • Hands: Frequent handwashing and exposure to harsh detergents can lead to dryness.
    • Elbows: A common area for dry, scaly patches.
    • Knees: Similar to elbows, prone to dryness and roughness.
    • Lower legs: Often exposed to cold air and dry environments.

Understanding the common areas affected by xerosis can help target specific treatment and prevention strategies.

Xerosis Symptoms

Xerosis manifests in several ways:


If left untreated, xerosis can worsen and increase the risk of skin infections.

Xerosis Cutis Treatment Options

Effective management of xerosis cutis involves a combination of skincare practices and, in some cases, medical interventions.

Moisturizing is Key:


Bathing and Skincare Tips:


Medical Interventions:


Consult a dermatologist for persistent or severe xerosis. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.

Will Xerosis Cause My Resident Discomfort?

Yes, xerosis can definitely cause discomfort for your resident. Dry skin can lead to:


It’s essential to address xerosis promptly to improve a resident’s overall comfort and well-being.

Can My Resident Receive On-Site Treatment for Xerosis Disease?

Yes, most cases of xerosis can be effectively managed with on-site treatment.

A comprehensive care plan typically involves:

    • Moisturization: Regular application of high-quality moisturizers is essential. Your facility’s skincare regimen should include products specifically designed for dry skin.
    • Bathing and showering: Limiting bath or shower time. Using lukewarm water and gentle cleansers can help retain moisture.
    • Humidifiers: Increasing humidity in the environment can help prevent excessive skin dryness.
  • Skin protection: Protecting the skin from harsh weather conditions and irritants is crucial.

Implementing these strategies can significantly improve your residents’ comfort and skin health.

In severe cases or when xerosis doesn’t respond to initial treatments, your facility’s dermatological specialist will guide your nursing staff accordingly. They can assess the underlying cause and recommend specialized therapies.

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"The doctors are easy to reach and a pleasure to work with. Visiting our assisted living facility, they are extremely effective and knowledgeable, each time resulting in a very positive outcome for our residents. It also eliminates plenty of stress for the staff here. To me, in this day and age, such people with their knowledge and experience, not to mention integrity and warmth, are priceless."

–John B., Medical Director

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