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Advanced Dermatology, PC News Page 42

  Health Tips . . . from UPI By LIDIA WASOWICZ, UPI NAILS AS MIRROR OF YOUR HEALTH Nails often give the first indication of an underlying disease, a New York dermatologist says. Dr. Joshua Fox, Founding director of Advanced Dermatology P.C. and The Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery , says changes in the […]

NAILS AS MIRROR OF YOUR HEALTH Nails often give the first indication of an underlying disease, a New York dermatologist says. Dr. Joshua Fox, Founding director of Advanced Dermatology P.C. and The Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery , says changes in the appearance of nails can point to an array of ailments, from a […]

The Manicure Tip That Prevents Colds! Outsmart the bacteria that can make you sick by sporting this season’s new fingernail shape: short and round. “Viruses and bacteria can hide and thrive underneath nails, especially long nails and acrylics,” explains New York City dermatologist Joshua L. Fox, M.D. “Since it’s hard to wash away germs under […]

    &         By Miranda Hitti Treating some unsightly birthmarks is easier with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), say researchers from Case Western Reserve University. Birthmarks can be more than a common cosmetic annoyance. Some of these malformations cause a bluish skin discoloration, local swelling, and pain. While some of these vascular birthmarks vanish with age and […]

Saving Face By Chayo Mata Anti-aging creams can be pricey, but they don’t have to be. Here’s how to get smoother skin for a song. Brand-new anti-aging creams with the latest uber-ingredients arrive on cosmetics counters every month with big claims (Better than Botox!) and still bigger price tags. But not all effective anti-agers run […]

Extreme Waxing: Is It Safe? Turns out you’d be wise to take a few precautions. ASK FOR CREDENTIALS Not all states require a cosmetologist’s or esthetician’s license for waxing, so check to see that the person performing your treatment attended a school approved by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences. CHECK YOUR […]

    Emphasize skin self-exams during melanoma month in May The Academy of Dermatology (ADD) has designated May as Melanoma Month. The goal of this campaign is to heighten awareness of this deadliest form of skin cancer. I am writing to encourage you to continue to educate your readers about melanoma. Following is information for […]

Injection Perfection? In the high-stakes, ever-evolving world of cosmetic dermatology, there’s a new kid in town. Restylane, a hyaluronic-acid skin filler recently approved by the FDA, is poised to give Botox and collagen a run for their money for the simple reason that blind studies have shown that its effects last 2-3 months longer than […]

Stretch Marks – Pulling a disappearing act with laser’s help By Linda Carroll For the first time in more than 20 years, Marlene Dinken is going to have fun shopping for a bathing suit. No longer will she have to spend hours scrutinizing each suit, searching for the one guaranteed to cover the ripples and ridges […]

WRINKLE REDUCTION Botox has been shown to reduce visible aging,help stop appearance of a permanent frown By Joshua L. Fox When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? When other people see you, what do they see? Our appearance often reveals our emotions. If we’re happy, a glow may be seen […]

Fresh Meadows Center Uses Laser to Treat Skin Diseases By Francesca Kefalas The Advanced Dermatology P.C. and The Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Skin Laser Center in Fresh Meadows recently celebrated an open house for what it calls the most Advanced Dermatology P.C. and The Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery operation in Queens […]

Biting Fingernails linked to lead poisoning in polluted regions Russian children in contaminated towns show psychological development delays as result EKATERINBURG, RUSSIA-Not only is fingernail biting a bad habit, but it may also contribute to lead poisoning, said research physicians here at the Ural Regional Centre for Environmental Epidemiology.

When Doctors Disagree If your child is diagnosed with a chronic condition, your pediatrician may recommend that she see a specialist. But what do you do if the doctors disagree on the course of treatment? Understand what is being recommended. “What patient’s interpret as a difference of opinion is often a nuance,” says Joshua Fox, […]

A shocking number of Americans have psoriasis and eczema—39 million adults and children—which is more than four times the population of New York City, the largest city in the US. According to dermatology specialists Dr. Joshua Fox and Dr. Robert Levine with Advanced Dermatology, PC, the seasonal change to cold, dry air creates difficulties for […]

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