Thermi RF is now FDA Cleared! ThermiRF is now FDA cleared for “thermistor‐regulated energy delivery for both micro-surgical and non-invasive aesthetic applications for dermatological and general surgical applications in soft tissue and nerves” (see press release attached). This is a huge accomplishment for ThermiEsthetics and is actually a more comprehensive clearance than the original SmartLipo […]
Palm Reading:What Your Hands Really Say About Your Health Looking at hands for insight about health is no longer solely the domain of sketchy fortune-tellers. Scientists have found correlations with everything from colored rashes and health conditions like diabetes to white nails and liver problems. A health self-assessment is just an arm’s length away. Spots […]
Finally, a Real Remedy for Stretch Marks: Dermatology Specialist Joshua Fox, MD, Offers Tips for Understanding the New Laser Treatments for Stretch Marks They’re hardly a serious disease, but those ugly little ridges that dermatologists call striae distensae (and the rest of us call stretch marks) are a serious concern for many women, […]
Tips for Treating Melasma Melasma is a common skin disorder that affects an estimated six million people in the United States. In fact, 90% of those afflicted are women, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Melasma is often associated with sun exposure but it’s also common in pregnant women, hence the nickname […]
The Secret to Healthy, Glowing Skin: Antioxidants More adult women are getting pimples than ever before, and new research reveals that antioxidants could be an effective, natural treatment. In seven small trials of antioxidant supplements or lotions, up to 78 percent of acne patients experienced “excellent” or “good” relief after a few weeks of treatment, […]
New Insight Into the Causes of Adult Acne Contrary to common belief, acne is not just “a teenage thing.” More and more adults, especially women, continue to experience acne beyond their teenage years. According to a recent study, as many as 45 percent of women between the ages of 21 and 30, 26 percent […]
Treating Scars: Which Remedies Work Best? (As Featured in Wall Street Journal) A multitude of options exist for treating scars, from at-home treatments to invasive surgeries. According to Whitney Bowe, M.D., F.A.A.D., medical director for cosmetic and laser services at Advanced Dermatology, P.C., in New York and Ossining, patients are often confused when it […]
Brotox: The Latest Trend (As Featured in Men’s Fitness) For many years, women have been expected to age more gracefully than men, leading many women to seek Botox or filler injections to minimize facial wrinkles and fine lines. According to a recent study, this expectation has expanded to men too, as noted by a 258-percent […]
Dr. Bowe Answers “Can Coffee Fight Signs of Aging?” for Fox News Magazine Most of us need that cup – or -two – of coffee in the morning to wake up. Besides waking you up, coffee may offer additional benefits. It is said that coffee can fight wrinkles, reduce cellulite and prevent skin damage. This […]
Top Dermatologist in the State Collectively, our dermatologists have won several awards on HealthTap – including Top Dermatologist in the State and Most Influential. These awards were based upon our dermatologists’ interactions with the HealthTap community. Our dermatologists provided over 350,000 answers, which were found to be helpful to the HealthTap community.
Dr. Whitney Bowe has been featured in the May 2013 edition of Women’s Health Magazine To read the article, click here.
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